Google Cloud Functions

(New in version 5.26.0)

Add @sentry/serverless as a dependency to package.json:

  "@sentry/serverless": "^7.110.0"

To set up Sentry for a Google Cloud Function:

const Sentry = require("@sentry/serverless");

  dsn: "",
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

exports.helloHttp = Sentry.GCPFunction.wrapHttpFunction((req, res) => {
  throw new Error("oh, hello there!");

Check out Sentry's GCP sample apps for detailed examples. Refer to the JavaScript docs for more configuration options.

With the Google Cloud Functions integration enabled, the Node SDK will:

  • Automatically report all events from your Cloud Functions.
  • Allows you to modify the transaction sample rate using tracesSampleRate.
  • Issue reports automatically include:
    • A link to the Stackdriver logs
    • Function details
    • sys.argv for the function
    • Function execution time
    • Function version
  • Sentry holds the thread for up to two seconds to report errors. You can change flush time limit by defining a flushTimeout value in the handler options
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